//--unique variables for AudioEdit Deluxe, DO NOT DELETE BL, 6-27-02--//
var AUDIO_EDIT_enable_alternate_conversion_methods="<p><B>Enable Alternate Conversion Methods</B> </p><p>Provides an alternate conversion method that changes the way that AudioEdit Deluxe converts the file. Some systems do not support AudioEdit Deluxe's advanced default conversion methods. If AudioEdit Deluxe does not successfully perform a conversion on your system, selecting this option can provide a better solution. This option also supports CDDB2.</p>";
var AUDIO_EDIT_associate_supported_formats="<p><b>Associate Supported Formats</b></p><p>Allows you to play and process the supported media file formats when launched throughout your system, with methods such as double-clicking the file, running the file from a command line, and so forth. To access the command, click File > Configure > Associate Supported Formats. </p>";
//--all variables after this point are from Blaze Media Pro, RTL, 3-18-03--//
//--created 5-5 RTL variables for image map on Audio Editor topic for AudioEdit Deluxe--//
var GLOSS_BLAZE_amplify_1="<p><b>Amplify</b></p><p>Increases or decreases the volume.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_add_files="<p><b>Add File(s)</b></p> <p>Allows you to select the files that you want to include on the CD.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_add_media_files="<p><b>Add Media Files</b></p><p>Adds files to the playlist. You can add files to the list by selecting them in the Windows Explorer and then dragging them into the list area.</p><p><b>Tip</b></p><UL><LI>You can select multiple files to drag by pressing the CTRL key when selecting a file. You can also press the Shift key to select a complete range of files.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_add_paths="<p><b>Add Paths</b></p> <p>Allows you to select the folder containing the media files that you want included. All supported media files in the folder are added to the list automatically.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_allow_dithering="<p><b>Enable Dithering</b></p> <p>Allows the software to dither the picture. Dithering is a technique used to simulate more colors than are available in a picture.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_amplify_1="<p><b>Amplify</b></p> <p>Increases or decreases the volume.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_amplify_plus="<p><b>Amplify +</b></p><p>Increases the volume.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_amplify_neg="<p><b>Amplify -</b></p><p>Decreases the volume.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_convert="<p><b>Convert</b></p><p>Changes the format, quality, or settings of the loaded file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_display="<p><b>Display</b></p><p>Displays the frequency spectrum, or x-axis, and amplitude, or y-axis. The lower scale displays the time.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_information="<p><b>Audio Information</b></p> <p>Opens a window displaying information on the currently loaded file. You can add or change the information. Any additions or changes you make are saved with the audio file and can be read by audio software when opened in the future.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_auto_eject="<p><b>Auto Eject</b></p> <p>Ejects the CD when the recording process is finished.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_band_pass_filter="<p><b>Band Pass </b></p><p>Allows you to change a single frequency band. This audio effect allows you to filter sound with bandpass. Bandpass filter suppresses the volume of frequency components outside passband. For example, you can use the Band Pass command for processing voice sound to make the voice sound like it is coming from a telephone. Choose the frequency and bandwidth you want to change. When choosing a bandwidth, keep in mind that the higher the bandwidth, the more the surrounding frequency range is also affected.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_bitrate="<p><b>Bitrate</b></p><p>Specifies the bitrate. The more bits used to store each sample in digital form, the more thorough the original signal's amplitude can be represented. This in turn can result in higher audio quality in the system. However, the more bits used per sample, the larger the digital audio data size.";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_bits_per_sample="<p><b>Bits Per Sample</b></p> <p>The more bits used to store each sample in digital form, the more thorough the original signal's amplitude can be represented. This in turn may result in higher audio quality in the system. However, the more bits used per sample";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_cache_decode="<p><b>Cache/Decode Files Locally</b></p><p>Stores or decodes the files on your hard drive before recording the files to CD-ROM.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_cd_rom_type="<p><b>CD-ROM Type</b></p><p>Allows you to select the CD-ROM type. If you are not having problems, you should keep this option set on Auto-Detect.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_cd_layout=" <p><b>CD Layout</b></p><p>Allows you to save and open a file list, or layout to recreate CDs quickly and easily.</b> </p><p><B>New</B> - Clears the file list, or layout, so that you can create a new one.</p><p><B>Open</B> - Opens a previously saved file list, or layout.</p><p><B>Save</B> - Saves the current file list, or layout.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_channels="<p><b>Channel</b></p><p>Selects a channel, such as mono or stereo. A stereo signal consists of two separate audio channels, while a mono signal has one. A single audio data file may contain information for one, two, or in some cases, more audio channels. This means that stereo produces better quality sound.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_clear_mru_list="<p><b>Clear MRU list</b></p><p>Erases the list of the most recently used files. AudioEdit Deluxe maintains a list of the last four files accessed so that you may reload them quickly. These are listed on the bottom of the File menu. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_close_file="<p><b>Close File</b></p><p>Closes the file currently open in the Audio Editor.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_configure_1="<p><b>Configure</b></p><p>Selecting Configure from the File menu allows you to change the following options. You can see these options only if you click Options > General and then click the Use Alternate Conversion box.</p><P><B>CDDB Server Address</B> - Indicates the address, or URL, used to connect to the CDDB database.</P><P><B>CGI Script Relative Address</B> - Sets the address of the CGI script which is used to contact the CDDB database.</P><P><B>Channels</B> - Allows you to convert the CD track to either Stereo or Mono mode.</P><P><B>Priority</B> - Sets how much system resources are allocated for the conversion module. The higher the priority, the better the performance. Lower is still good, but allows other programs to use more resources. The priority choices are High, Normal, or Low.</P><P><B>Max VBR Bitrate</B> - Sets the maximum variable bitrate. The choices are None, 320, 256, 224, 192, 160, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 40, or 32.</P>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_configure_audio_editor="<p><b>Configure</b></p><p>Sets the device, color, scale, and audio. Device sets recording and playback devices. Scale allows you to set the Horizontal and Vertical Scale options. Color allows you to set the hue and tint. Other allows you to set the temporary folder and free space. Other also includes options such as Redraw Enabled, Save Extra Non-Audio Information, and so forth.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_configure_auto_save="<p><b>Configure Auto-Save</b></p><p>Allows you to configure how to save your filename. You can select any combination. You can select the Create Folder for Conversion Output Using Artist and Album option if you want to create a new folder with the CDDB info for conversion output.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_conversion_frequency="<p><b>Conversion Frequency</b></p><p>Sets the frequency, or the number of times an event repeats, or number of vibrations produced by a signal or sound, in a given period. Frequency is measured in Hz. One Hertz is one cycle per second. In AudioEdit Deluxe, the settings are listed in kHz, or kilohertz.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_convert="<p><b>Select Codec</b></p><p><p>Opens a window in which you may choose an available codec, frequency, bits per sample, channel, and other appropriate settings, depending on the codec selected, for use in future save operations.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_copy="<p><b>Copy</b></p> <p>Copies the current selection or entire file to the internal clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_create_new_folder="<p><b>Create New Folder</b></p><p>Allows you to create a new folder on the CD.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_crop="<p><b>Crop</b></p> <p>Deletes the portion of the currently loaded file that is NOT selected.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_cut="<p><b>Cut</b></p> <p>Deletes the current selection and places it in Windows clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_decrease_playback_speed="<p><b>Decrease Playback Speed</b></p><p>Plays the current audio slower.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_delay="<p><b>Delay</b></p> <p>Interrupts the audio signal for the specified value. Delay introduces a series of repeats or delayed echoes of the original input signal at regularly spaced intervals that you define. The Delay Settings dialog box provides the following options:</p><UL><LI>Duration - Sets the duration of the delay effect in milliseconds. You can use the delay effect to create single echoes, as well as a number of other effects. Delays of 35 ms or more are heard as echoes. Reducing the delay times to the 15-1 ms range allows you to spatially locate a mono sound so that the sound appears to originate from the left or right side, even though the volume levels at the left and right of the wave are the same.</LI><LI>Mix Depth - Sets the amount of delayed signal, or wet sound, and unprocessed signal, or dry sound, that you want to mix in the final file. Enter 50 to mix the two sounds evenly.</LI><LI>Feedback Gain - Recycles the effect back into the mix. A small amount of feedback, even less than ten percent, gives extra richness to the delay. If you set the percentage too high, you can hear more transitional feedback in the file, like loud ringing or other noise.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_delete_duplicates="<p><b>Remove Non-Existent Files</b></p><p>Removes files that no longer exist from the playlist.</p><p><b>Remove Duplicates</b></p><p>Removes files with the same name from the playlist.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_delete_selection="<p><b>Delete Selection</b></p> <p>Deletes the portion of the file that is currently selected.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_deselect_all="<p><b>Select All</b></p><p>Selects, or highlights, all items in the list.</p><p><b>Deselect All</b></p><p>Removes any selected items.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_disc_information="<p><b>Disc Information</b></p><p>Displays information about the CD, including number of sessions, last session status, disc type, disc status, and free space blocks. Selecting this option also finalizes a session or CD.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_echo="<p><b>Echo</b></p><p>Adds an echo effect.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_enable_burn_proof_mode="<p><b>Enable Burn-Proof Mode</b></p><p>Eliminates the possibility of buffer underrun errors and other recording problems. </p><p><B>Important</B> </P><UL><LI>Not all CD recordable drives support this feature.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_enable_cddb_auto_save="<p><b>Enable CDDB Auto-Save</b></p><p>Sets the CDDB Auto-Save feature. The CDDB Auto Save feature names the new output files according to the settings selected in Configure Auto-Save.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_equalize="<p><b>Equalize</b></p><p>Boosts the volume in several portions of the audible frequency spectrum to change the tone of the recording.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_CD_RW="<p><b>Erase CD-RW</b></p><p>Deletes all the contents of a CD-RW disc.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_fft_filter="<p><b>FFT Filter</b></p><p>Implements an FFT filter. FFT is short for Fast Fourier transform. FFT decomposes or separates a waveform or function into sinusoids of different frequency which sum to the original waveform. FFT identifies or distinguishes the different frequency sinusoids and their respective amplitudes. FFT works on the time and frequency domains. Operations performed on one domain have corresponding operations which it performs on the other domain.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_finalize_disc="<p><b>Finalize Disc</b></p><p>Closes the CD so that nothing else can be written to it.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_flanger="<p><b>Flanger</b></p><p>Produces a special effect when you mix a signal with a delayed time-varied copy of itself. This generates a typical whooshing sound, much like the elongated sounds produced by Jazz musicians or an airplane flying overhead. Before digital editing, sound editors accomplished a flanger effect by sending a signal to two tape recorders and then slowing down the reels of one deck. The resulting sound was a time-delayed effect.</p><UL><LI>Delay Rate - Sets the mix between the amount of original and flanged signal. If you use 100%, the result is no flanger effect. The result is a wavering sound, rather like a bad tape player. </LI><LI>Mix Depth - Sets the amount of delayed signal, or wet sound, and unprocessed signal, or dry sound, that you want to mix in the final file. Enter 50 to mix the two sounds evenly. Higher settings result in a more pronounced flanger effect. </LI><LI>Feedback Gain - Sets the percentage of gain applied to the phased signal. Take care to avoid clipping when applying higher positive values</LI><LI>Sweep Depth - Determines how wide the sweep is in terms of delayed time. As the sweep depth is increase, you notice more modulation in the pitch. Sweep depth is the maximum additional delay that is added to the signal in addition to the delay in the delay rate. It determines how low the first notch in the frequency response reaches. A small value for the depth keeps the variance in the delay time small, and a large value causes the notches in the frequency response to sweep over a larger area. </LI><LI>Sweep Rate - Sets the rate at which the base frequency is modulated. An LFO sweeps the base frequency up and down by a factor of two at this rate. </LI><LI>Sweep Phase - Determines the point in the sound wave to start the flanger effect.</LI>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_high_pass_filter="<p><b>High Pass</b></p> <p>Blocks the frequencies below the selected frequency allowing you to hear only the selected frequency and above. This type of filter attempts to push all quantization noise and errors into the high frequencies.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_import_previous_session="<p><b>Import Previous Session</b></p><p>Imports the previous session into your data CD.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_include_joliet_directories="<p><b>Include Joliet Directories</b></p><p>Limits the number of characters in folder and file names to a maximum of 64 characters. Joliet is a format based on the ISO 9660 standard that allows long filenames and uses the Unicode international character set.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_increase_playback_speed="<p><b>Increase Playback Speed</b></p><p>Plays the current audio faster.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_insert_noise="<p><b>Insert Noise</b></p><p>Inserts noise at the selected point.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_insert_remove_silence="<p><b>Insert/Remove Silence</b></p><p>Inserts or removes a zero value section at the current position. For example, you can insert or delete pauses between songs on a CD.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_insert_silence="<p><b>Insert Silence</b></p><p>Inserts a zero value section at the current position.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_invert="<p><b>Invert</b></p><p>Changes all positive offsets to negative offsets and vice versa. This does not have an audible effect. This option makes aligning the amplitude curves easier. If the file is in stereo, the channels are also inverted.</p>"; var GLOSS_BLAZE_invert_selection="<p><b>Invert Selection</b></p><p>Changes tracks that are not selected to a selected state and changes selected tracks to an unselected state. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_ISO_FILE="<p><b>Save Image As ISO File</b></p><p>Saves the image as an ISO file. An ISO file is a CD image adhering to the ISO 9660 standard. A CD image is a single file containing a whole set of files and folders as they will appear on a CD. This method is used mostly for writing the data";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_left_channel="<p><b>Left Channel</b></p><p>Turns the audio coming from the left channel on or off.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_LOAD_EXISTING_PLAYLIST="<p><b>Open</b></p><p>Allows you to select a playlist to load. You must have already saved a playlist to use this option.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_load_new_media_file="<p><b>Add File</b></p><p>Allows you to select a different media file to play </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_loop_playback="<p><b>Loop Playback</b></p><p>Enabling this feature results in the media file playing until manually stopped by the user.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_mix="<p><b>Mix</b></p><p>Copies the contents of the Windows Clipboard to the file mixing it with the data contained in the window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_mix_from_file="<p><b>Mix from File</b></p> <p>Copies the contents of the selected file to an open file mixing it with the data contained.";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_move_down="<p><b>Move Down</b></p> <p>Moves selected files down in the list. To move the file back, click Move Up.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_move_up="<p><b>Move Up</b></p> <p>Moves selected files up in the list. To move the file back, click Move Down.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_mute="<p><b>Mute</b></p><p>Turns off all sound. This feature affects all sound in Windows so you should make sure that you turn this command off before closing AudioEdit Deluxe. If you are not getting any sound from your speakers, always check to make sure that mute is not on first.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_new="<p><b>New</b></p> <p>Allows you to make a new audio file. If a file is already open, clicking this option will close it.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_new_playlist="<p><b>New Playlist</b></p> <p>Clears the playlist window, allowing a new playlist to be built.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_normalize="<p><b>Normalize</b></p><p>Equalizes the amplification. This effect amplifies the file to within the specified percentage of the maximum level. Use Normalization to achieve the greatest amount of amplification that does not result in clipping, when set to 100%. The Normalize Settings dialog box provides the following options:</p><UL><LI>Normalization - Sets the percentage of maximum to which you want to normalize the sound file. For example, enter 50% to calculate values to amplify the selection no more than 50% of maximum, resulting in a 3dB attenuation from maximum output. Choose 100% to apply the greatest amount of amplification possible without clipping.</LI><LI>DC Bias Adjust - Activates the DC bias and sets it to the center of the waveform on the center line. Some recording hardware introduces a DC bias, resulting in the digital waveform appearing to be above or below the normal center line.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_notch_filter="<p><b>Notch</b></p><p>Removes the range of specified frequencies.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_zoom_full="<p><b>Zoom Full</b></p> <p>Restores the view to normal, or default, size.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_OPEN="<p><b>Open</b></p> <p>Displays a window so that you can select the file you want to open in the Audio editor.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_OPEN_1="<p><b>Open</b></p> <p>Displays a window so that you can select the file you want to open in the Media Manager.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_open_playlist="<p><b>Open Playlist</b></p> <p>Allows you to open a previously saved playlist.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_operation="<p><b>Operation</b></p><p>Sets adjustments for processing the current media. The options are Average, Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Edge Enhance, Sharpen, and Soften. These options are quite useful; for example, if a video is too dark, you can use the Brightness operation to lighten it. If the video is too light, try the Contrast option. <p><b>Tip</b></p><ul><LI>Make a backup of the video file before processing so that, if you do not like the result, you can go back to the original.</li></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_output_folder="<p><b>Output Folder</b></p> <p>The folder in which output files are saved.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_output_format="<p><b>Output Format</b></p> <p>Includes MPEG, AVI, Multi-Page TIFF, WMV, and FLIC</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_output_options="<p><b>Output Options</b></p><p>Set Resolution, Color Depth, and Enable Dithering by selecting them from the Output Options sub-menu. The Resolution choices are Original Dimensions, 160x120, 320x240, and 640x480. The Color Depth options are 8-bit, 16-bit, and 24-bit. To enable dithering, click Enable Dithering to disable dithering click it again.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_paste="<p><b>Paste</b></p> <p>Copies the contents of the Windows Clipboard into the open file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_paste_from_file="<p><b>Paste from File</b></p> <p>Copies the contents of a selected file into an open file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_pause_2="<p><b>Pause</b></p> <p>Temporarily stops playing the media file. To resume playing the file, click Pause again.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_pause_1="<p><b>Pause</b></p> <p>Temporarily stops the currently playing file. Click Pause again to resume playing.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_pause_playback="<p><b>Pause Playback</b></p> <p>Temporarily stops playing the file currently being played. Click Pause Playback again to resume playing.";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playback_controls="<p><b>Playback Controls</b></p><p>Allows you to select the mixer device, set the level for the selected component, and select or de-select which components you want to use. The components differ according to your sound card. For example, the components on a test computer are Volume Control, Line in, Microphone, Wave Output, FM Synth, Aux In, PC Speaker, CD Audio, and Four Speaker. Line-in is the most commonly-used port for this audio recording. Other possible components are Auxiliary, CD Audio, Wave or Wave/MP3, and so forth. You can use Wave, Wave/MP3, or other similar components for recording from any audio that you can hear on your computer, such as streaming Internet radio.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_play_1="<p><b>Play</b></p> <p>Plays the current media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_play_audio_file="<p><b>Play Audio File</b></p> <p>Plays a converted file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_priority="<p><b>Priority</b></p> <p>Defines the amount of system resources, such as CPU and RAM, the conversion process uses. High normally causes the conversion process to complete more quickly and can produce better quality. Low uses fewer resources allowing you to multitask more reliably during the conversion process. Normal is the default setting and is in the middle between High and Low.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_progress_volume="<p><b>Progress Volume</b></p><p>Displays the load progress of the file being opened or the volume unit meter for the file currently being played.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_record="<p><b>Record</b></p> <p>Begins recording according to the settings in the Record Controls section.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_record_controls="<p><b>Record Controls</b></p><p>Allows you to select the mixer device, set the level for the selected component, and select which components you want to use. The components differ according to your sound card. For example, the components on a test computer are Volume Control, Line in, Microphone, Wave Output, FM Synth, Aux In, PC Speaker, CD Audio, and Four Speaker. Line-in is the most commonly-used port for this audio recording. Other possible components are Auxiliary, CD Audio, Wave or Wave/MP3, and so forth. You can use Wave, Wave/MP3, or other similar components for recording from any audio that you can hear on your computer, such as streaming Internet radio.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_redo="<p><b>Redo</b></p><p>Restores the action for which you clicked Undo.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_remove_media_files="<p><b>Remove Media Files</b></p><p>Deletes the selected items from the list.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_remove_silence="<p><b>Remove Silence</b></p> <p>Deletes a zero value section at the current position.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_rename_folder_file="<p><b>Rename Folder/File</b></p><p>Allows you to type a new name for the folder or file on the CD.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_resample="<p><b>Resample</b></p> <p>Smoothes out rough spots by estimating how the pixels should appear and then filling them with the appropriate color.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_retrieve_track_titles_from_the_cddb="<p><b>Retrieve Track Titles from the CDDB</b></p><p>Click this command so that, when you place a CD-ROM in the drive, AudioEdit Deluxe automatically connects to the CDDB database and retrieves the track names, or song titles. </p><p><b >Tip</B></p><UL><LI>For more about CDDB, refer to the CDDB Information topic.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_reverse="<p><b>Reverse</b></p> <p>Reverses the selected area or entire file. This saves and plays the selected area or entire file backwards.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_right_channel="<p><b> Right Channel</b></p><p>Allows you to turn on or off the audio coming from the right channel.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_save="<p><b>Save/Save As</b></p><p>Save - Allows you to save the loaded audio file with the same name and in the same format.</p><p>Save As - Allows you to save the file with a different file name and in the format that you choose.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_save_as_html="<p><b>Save as HTML</b></p> <p>Saves the current playlist in HTML format to display on the World Wide Web.</p> </body>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_save_playlist="<p><b>Save Playlist</b></p> <p>Saves the currently displayed playlist for future use.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_save_selection=" <p><b>Save Selection As</b></p><p>Allows you to save the currently selected portion of the audio file as a separate file in the chosen format.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_seek_next="<p><b>Seek Next</b></p> <p>Plays the next file or CD track.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_seek_prev="<p><b>Seek Previous</b></p> <p>Goes to the previous track.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_select="<p><b>Select</b></p> <p>Allows you to select a precise portion of the audio file without using the mouse.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_select_all="<p><b>Select All</b></p> <p>Selects all tracks on the CD-ROM.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_select_deselect_all="<p><b>Select/Deselect All</b></p><p>Selects the entire file or deselects all current selections.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_select_the_format_MP3_WAV_or_WMA="<p><b>Select the Format: MP3, WAV, OGG, or WMA</b></p> <p>You can find the three format options near the bottom of the window. Select the format to which you want to convert the selected tracks.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_select_the_track_s="<p><b>Select the Track(s)</b></p> <p>Select a single track to convert by clicking it. Select multiple tracks by either pressing the Ctrl key while clicking the tracks or by pressing the Shift key and using the arrow keys to select a range of tracks. You can select all tracks by clicking Select All on the File menu.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_setup="<p><b>Audio Editor Setup</b></p><p>Allows you to select options for the Audio Editor to suit your preferences. You can change colors, Horizontal Scale, Vertical Scale, Border type, and Fonts. Choices for Horizontal Scale are Enabled, Grid, Samples, and Milliseconds. Choices for Vertical Scale are Enabled, Grid, Samples, and Normal Value.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_shrink="<p><b>Shrink</b></p> <p>Increases the playback speed of the selected portion of the loaded file by the amount that you specify.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_silence="<p><b>Silence</b></p><p>Replaces the selected area with silence.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_stop="<p><b>Stop</b></p> <p>Halts the play of the media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_stretch="<p><b>Stretch</b></p> <p>Changes the pitch, or frequency, and tempo, or duration, of the selected section or file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_test_mode="<p><b>Test Mode</b></p><p>Starts the entire CD Recording process without actually writing anything to the CD. This option is for making sure everything is going to work correctly before actually recording the CD. Remember to make sure this option is not checked when you want to write to the CD disc.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_undo="<p><b>Undo</b></p><p>Removes the last action.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vibrato="<p><b>Vibrato</b></p> <p>Adjusts the wavelength of the echo.</p><UL><LI>Frequency - Specifies the maximum rate at which the vibrato effect occurs. If you set this value low, you do not achieve a vibrato effect; the resulting sound gets louder and quieter, like a vocalist who cannot maintain steady breathing. If you set this value high, the resulting effect is unnatural; for example, human voices can sound high and hyper. </LI><LI>Phase - Determines the point in the sound wave to start the vibrato effect.</LI><LI>Depth - Specifies the maximum variation in amplitude for the effect. If this setting is extremely low, you might not hear the effect unless the frequency has been set extremely high. If you set the vibrato depth too high, the sound might cut in and cut out, creating an unpleasant tremor or warble.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_volume_control="<p><b>Volume Control</b></p><p>Controls the volume level inside the browser window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_zoom="<p><b>Zoom</b></p><p>Magnifies or decreases the view of the selected area.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_zoom_control="<p><b>Zoom Controls</b></p><p>Allows you to zoom in or out of the current audio data view. Unlike the other zoom options, precise zoom adjustments can be made using the Horizontal and Vertical settings.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_zoom_in="<p><b>Zoom In</b></p><p>Increases the view of the selected area by expanding the timeline to show more detail. You see less of the file this way.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_zoom_out="<p><b>Zoom Out</b></p> <p>Decreases the view of the selected area by compressing the timeline to show less detail. You see more of the overall file this way.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_volume_identifier="<p><b>Volume Identifier</b></p><p>The volume identifier is the name of the CD. It is what will appear when the CD is loaded.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_sort_list="<p><b>Sort List</b></p><p>Puts the playlist in alphabetical order.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_normal_playback_speed="<p><b>Normal Playback Speed</b></p><p>Sets the speed of the currently playing audio and/or video back to its normal rate.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_erase_CDRW="<p><b>Erase CD-RW</b></p><p>Deletes all the contents of a CD-RW disc.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_file_information="<p><b>File Information</b></p><p>The status bar area displays file information such as type, start position, end position, and so forth.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_format="<p><b>Format</b></p><p>Allows you to select whether you want to the convert the WMA file to a WAV or MP3. If you choose the MP3 format, you must set the bitrate.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_left_channel="<p><b>Left Channel</b></p><p>Turns the audio coming from the left channel on or off.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_load_existing_playlist="<p><b>Load Existing Playlist</b></p><p>Allows you to select a playlist to load. You must have already saved a playlist to use this option.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_low_pass_filter="<p><b>Low Pass</b></p><p>Blocks the frequencies above the selected frequency allowing you to hear only the selected frequency and below.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_low_shelf_filter="<p><b>Low Shelf</b></p><p>Boosts the gain of the specified frequency.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_media_preview="<p><b>Media Previewing</b></p><p>On the File Open dialog box, an option is present to Enable Preview support. When this option is checked, media files play when you select them in the dialog box, allowing for preview and browsing capabilities.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_zoom_full="<p><b>Zoom Full</b></p><p>Restores the view to normal, or default, size.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_output_file_format="<p><b>Output File Format</b></p><p>Saves the video images as BMP, JPG, PCX, PNG, PNM, RAS, RGB, TGA, TIFF, and XPM.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_output_size="<p><b>Output Size</b></p><p>Select the size for the video's frames. The choices include sizes from 160 X 112 up to 800 X 600. Using the Default option maintains the dimensions of the source video.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_play_looped="<p><b>Play</b></p> <p>Begins playing the current media file.</p> ";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_high_shelf_filter="<p><b>High Shelf</b></p> <p>Boosts the gain of the specified frequency.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_rename_media_manager="<p><b>Rename</b></p> <p>Enters a new name for the file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_rename_from_id3_media_manager="<p><b>Rename from ID3</b></p> <p>Renames MP3 files according to the information in the MP3 tag. If the MP3 tag does not contain any information the file name will not be changed.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_copy_files_media_manager="<p><b>Copy Files</b></p> <p>Allows you to copy the selected media files to another drive and/or folder.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_move_files_media_manager="<p><b>Move Files</b></p> <p>Allows you to move the selected media files to another drive and/or folder.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_delete_media_manager="<p><b>Delete</b></p> <p>Deletes the currently selected media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_edit_MP3_tag_media_manager="<p><b>Edit MP3 Tag</b></p> <p>Allows you to enter or change the MP3 tag information.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_exit_media_manager="<p><b>Exit</b></p> <p>Closes the Media Manager.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_play_media_manager="<p><b>Play</b></p> <p>Plays the currently selected media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_pause_media_manager="<p><b>Pause</b></p> <p> Temporarily stops playing the currently playing media file. Select this option again to start playing the media file from the point you paused it.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_stop_media_manager="<p><b>Stop</b></p> <p>Stops playing the currently playing media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_previous_file_media_manager="<p><b>Previous File</b></p> <p>Plays the media file above the currently selected media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_next_file_media_manager="<p><b>Next File</b></p> <p>Plays the media file below the currently selected media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_adjustable_progress_bar_media_manager="<p><b>Adjustable Progress Bar</b></p> <p>Shows the progress of the currently playing media file. You can move the slider right or left to quickly move to another location in the media file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_channels_media_manager="<p><b>Channels</b></p> <p>Plays the media file in only the left channel, the right channel, or both channels.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_select_kbits="<p><b>Select the Kbits (MP3), Kbps (WMA), or Hz (WAV).</b><p>Depending on the format you are converting to you can select different frequencies, channels, bits per sample, and bitrates. These are described below.</p><p><b>Frequency - </b> Frequency is the number of times an event repeats (number of vibrations produced by a signal or sound) in a given period. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). One Hertz is one cycle per second. In AudioEdit Deluxe the settings are listed in kHz (kilohertz).</p><p><b>Channels - </b> Mono or Stereo? Stereo signal consists of two separate audio channels, while a mono signal has one. A single audio data file may contain information for one, two, or in some cases more audio channels; therefore stereo produces better quality sound</p><p><b >Bits per sample - </b> The more bits used to store each sample in digital form, the more thorough the original signal's amplitude can be represented. This in turn may result in higher audio quality in the system. However, the more bits used per sample, the larger the digital audio data size .</p><p><b>Bitrate - </b>The more bits used to store each sample in digital form, the more thorough the original signal's amplitude can be represented. This in turn could result in higher audio quality in the system. However, the more bits used per sample, the larger the digital audio data size . </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_add_border="<p><b>Add Border</b></p><p>Adds a border to every frame, or image, in the video file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_close="<p><b>Close</b></p><p>closes the Audio Editor window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_enable_recording_timer="<p><b>Enable Recording Timer</b></p><p>Opens the Schedule Recording dialog box. This dialog box allows you to set the specific month, day, and year by clicking the slider bars beneath the calendar. To go directly to the current day, click the Today button. You can set the clock time to determine the exact time to start a recording. You can also specify how long the recording runs and whether to start the recording at the current time. When you click OK, the recording starts at the time that you set. If you click the Start Now checkbox, the recording starts immediately and you must click the Stop button on the Audio Editor window to stop it.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_reload_new_file_after_save_as="<p><b>Reload New File After Save As</b></p><p>Sets an option that causes the audio file to be re-opened in the Audio Editor window as soon as you save the file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_new_file_preset_format="<p><b>New File Preset Format</b></p><p>Allows you to define the format before you save the audio file by opening the Define Format for New File Creation dialog box. You can set the samples per second and whether the audio file is stereo or mono.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_temporary_data_folder="<p><b>Temporary Data Folder</b></p><p>Allows you to set a temporary data folder for the current audio file. This determines where the file is saved while you edit it.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_exit="<p><b>Exit</b></p><p>Closes the Audio Editor.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_trim="<p><b>Trim</b></p><p>Cuts a specific amount of audio from the file based on how much you select in the main window of the Audio Editor. You can select whether to remove data from the left and right channels. You can also specify a time for fading in and out and at how many decibels to remove the data.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_zoom_view="<p><b>Zoom View</b></p><p>Displays the entire audio file within a window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_full_zoom="<p><b>Full Zoom</b></p><p>Expands the view to display the entire waveform or waveforms that are contained within a session.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_zoom_in="<p><b>Zoom In</b></p><p>Zooms in on the center of the visible waveform.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_zoom_out="<p><b>Zoom Out</b></p><p>Zooms out from the center of the visible waveform.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_vertical_zoom_in="<p><b>Vertical Zoom In</b></p><p>Increases the vertical scale resolution of a waveform's amplitude display.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_vertical_zoom_out="<p><b>Vertical Zoom Out</b></p><p>Decreases the vertical scale resolution of a waveform's amplitude display.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_viewing_range="<p><b>Viewing Range</b></p><p>Defines the portion of a waveform that you want to appear in the window. This command lets you enter numerical values to serve as the visible boundaries for the x-axis (time) ruler in units of samples and milliseconds. The settings that you select appear in the waveform window when you click OK on the dialog box.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_selection_range="<p><b>Selection Range</b></p><p>Allows you to define an exact selection range without using the mouse pointer. When you enter the range, using samples and milliseconds, and click OK on the dialog box, the selection range appears as a white band in the waveform window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_decimal="<p><b>Decimal</b></p><p>Sets the horizontal scale format in decimals, or minutes, seconds, and days.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_samples="<p><b>Samples</b></p><p>Sets the horizontal scale format to the samples unit.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_sample_values="<p><b>Sample Values</b></p><p>Sets the vertical scale format to the samples unit. This display type indicates a numerical amplitude as the exact sample value of the data.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_normalized_values="<p><b>Normalized Values</b></p><p>Sets the vertical scale format in normalized values. This display type indicates a numerical amplitude on a normalized scale value that ranges from -1 to 1.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_decibel_values="<p><b>Decibel Values</b></p><p>Sets the vertical scale format in decibel values. In this mode, lower frequencies are displayed near the bottom of the scale, while higher frequencies are displayed from the middle to the top of the scale.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_visible="<p><b>Visible</b></p><p>Determines whether the software displays the scale format. You can click this command to turn the display on or off.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_stop="<p><b>Stop</b></p><p>Ends the playing of the audio file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_fade_out="<p><b>Fade Out</b></p><p>Causes the sound to become softer for transitioning into or from an audio file. This command allows you to set values on the Fade Settings dialog box to achieve a fade out effect. To fade out, enter a lesser value than that of the initial amplification for the final amplification. To fade in, enter a final amplification greater than that of the initial amplification. Entering the same values for the initial and final amplifications results in constant amplification. To leave the signal unchanged, enter an amplification value of 100%.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_fade_in="<p><b>Fade In</b></p><p>Causes the sound to become louder for transitioning into or from an audio file. This command allows you to set values on the Fade Settings dialog box to achieve a fade out effect. To fade in, enter a final amplification greater than that of the initial amplification. To fade out, enter a lesser value for the final amplification. Entering the same values for the initial and final amplifications results in constant amplification. To leave the signal unchanged, enter an amplification value of 100%.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_phaser="<p><b>Phaser</b></p><p>Implements a phaser effect. Phaser is a modification of flanger with very short time of delay, a few milliseconds, so you can hear phase Shifts in processed sound. You can use phaser effects to process guitar or sound effects like noise. A phaser effect introduces a variable phase Shift to a split signal and recombines it, creating special effects that were popular with 1960's guitarists. A phase is similar to a flange, except that, instead of using a simple delay, the software uses phases to Shift the frequencies over time. When used on stereo files, the effect dramatically changes a stereo image to create unique and interesting sounds.<UL><LI>Duration - Sets the duration of the phaser effect.</LI><LI>Mix Depth - Determines the degree of phasing. Greater depth settings extend the sweep further away from the center frequency in both directions, to cover a greater frequency range. This produces a tremolo effect.</LI><LI>Feedback Gain - Sets the feedback gain as a percentage. This setting compensates for feedback within the audio file. The higher the percentage that you enter in the box, the more feedback is reduced. Feedback is the process in which part of the audio is returned to the input audio. Feedback is usually unintended. Positive feedback can lead to instability.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_reverb="<p><b>Reverb</b></p><p>Simulates acoustic space and consists of both early reflections and echoes that are so closely spaced that they are perceived as a single decaying sound. The Reverb command differs from the Echo command in that the delays are not repeated at regularly spaced intervals. The reverb effect creates spaciousness in a monophonic signal. A monophonic signal has been recorded as or converted into a stereo audio file. A value as small as 300ms can open up the perceived spaciousness of a dry sound. Dry sound is sound recorded without any effects or reverb.</P><UL><LI>Reverb Rate - Specifies the rate of reverberation. If you set a high reverb rate for audio files that contain speech, this can make the spoken words harder to understand.</LI></LI><LI>Delay Time - Sets the space between peaks of sound in reverberation.</LI><LI>Feedback Gain - Sets the feedback gain as a percentage. This setting compensates for feedback within the audio file. The higher the percentage that you enter in the box, the more feedback is reduced. Feedback is the process in which part of the audio is returned to the input audio. Feedback is usually unintended. Positive feedback can lead to instability.</LI><LI>Mix Depth - Specifies how much the delay should vary. A value of 40 allows the delay vary from 0 to 40 milliseconds.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_compressor="<p><b>Compressor</b></p><p>Reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal to decrease overall loudness. Compression has many uses. For example, applying heavy compression at a low threshold to electric guitar produces heavy distortion. Compressors can be used to eliminate the variations in the peaks of an electric bass output signal by clamping them to a constant level, providing an even solid bass line. Compressors can also be useful to compensate for the wide variations in the signal level produced by a singer who moves frequently or has an erratic dynamic range.</p><UL><LI>Threshhold (dB) - Adjusts the audio level at which the software applies compression. Levels higher than the threshold value are compressed. Audio levels lower than the value go through the compressor without interruption.</LI><LI>Rate (%) - Determines the amount of compression applied to audio signals surpassing the threshold.</LI><LI>Attack Time (ms) - Determines how soon the audio signal is attentuated after rising above the threshold.</LI><LI>Release Time - Determines how soon the software interrupts the audio signal attentuation after the signal falls below the threshold.</LI><LI>RMS Time (ms) - Sets the root mean square of the audio. The RMS is a measure of audio intensity over a period of time. The RMS power corresponds to the loudness perceived by a listener when measured over short time periods. Thus, rapid transient peaks might not be processed when you use higher values in RMS compression.</li></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_close="<p><b>Close</b></p><p>Closes the audio file that is currently open.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_remove_all="<p><b>Remove All</b></p><p>Deletes all files from the playlist.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_eject_cd="<p><b>Eject CD</b></p> <p>Ejects the CD when the recording process is finished.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_close_tray="<p><b>Close Tray</b></p> <p>Inserts the CD into the computer by closing the tray.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_write_disk_from_iso_file="<p><b>Write Disk from ISO File</b></p><p>Creates a disk from an ISO file. An ISO file is a CD image adhering to the ISO 9660 standard. A CD image is a single file containing a whole set of files and folders as they will appear on a CD. This method is used mostly for writing the data.";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playlist_options_random_play="<p><b>Random Play </b></p><p>Instead of playing the media files in the order they appear in the list, AudioEdit Deluxe selects a file at random to play.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playlist_options_full_screen="<p><b>Full Screen </b></p><p>Selecting this option plays video files in the playlist full screen.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playlist_options_loop_playlist="<p><b>Loop Playlist</b> </p><p>Repeats the playlist until you stop it.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playlist_options_include_subfolders="<p><b>Include Add Path Sub-folders </b></p><p>Includes all media files located in sub-folders in the playlist.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playlist_options_assume_video="<p><b>Assume Video for ASF Playback</b></p><p> Plays ASF files as videos.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playlist_options_confirm_save="<p><b>Confirm Save on Close </b></p><p>Prompts you to save the playlist when you close the program or open another playlist.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_playlist_options_auto_save="<p><b>Auto Save/Load Last Playlist </b></p><p>Saves the current playlist on exit and loads it next time you start AudioEdit Deluxe.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_custom_output_size_2="<p><b>Custom Output Size </b></p><p>Allows you to set the height and width of the video frames when the video is decompiled.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_associate_media_formats="<p><b>Associate Media Formats</b></p><p >Associating media files with the Associate Media Formats option enables AudioEdit Deluxe to play and process the selected media file formats when launched throughout your system, such as double click, command line run, and so forth. </p><p>To associate file types with AudioEdit Deluxe, select the checkbox beside the formats you wish to associate. If you have associated a media format with AudioEdit Deluxe and do not want this association, remove the check mark from the format listing and click OK to apply the change. When you associate a file type, or file extension, with a program, double clicking or opening a file with that extension opens the file in the program to which the file is associated. For example, if you choose to associate MP3s with AudioEdit Deluxe, when you double-click an .MP3 file, AudioEdit Deluxe opens and plays the file.</p><P>You can associate the following file types:</P><UL><LI>Active Streaming Format: ASF</LI><LI>CD Audio/Video: CDA, DAT</LI><LI>DirectShow Video: ENC, M1V</LI><LI>MIDI Audio: MID, MIDI, RMI</LI><LI>MPEG Layer-3 Audio: MP3</LI><LI>MPEG Video: MPG, MPEG, MP2, MPA, MPV, M2</LI><LI>OGG Vorbis: OGG</LI><LI>QuickTime Video: MOV</LI><LI>Video for Windows: AVI</LI><LI>Vivo Digital Video: VIV</LI><LI>Wave Audio: WAV</LI><LI>Windows Media Audio and Video: WMA, WMV</LI><LI>Misc Sound Formats: AIF, AIFF, AU, SND, Etc.</LI><LI>Enable 'Add to AudioEdit Deluxe Playlist' Context Menu Command</LI><LI>Load CD Tracks (CDA) into CD Track Converter</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_general_options="<p><b>General Options</b></p><p><B>Always On Top</B> - Causes AudioEdit Deluxe to remain on top of other applications running in Windows.</p><p><B>Enable CDDB Access with CD Playback</B> - Automatically connects to the CDDB database when you play a CD.</p><p><B>Enable Open Dialog Preview Support</B> - Allows previewing, or playing, of the media file selected in the browse dialog box before opening the file.</p><p><B>Loop Media Playback</B> - Plays the current media file until the process is stopped.</p><p><B>Save Window Positions</B> - Opens AudioEdit Deluxe in the same position in which it was last used.</p><p><B>Send to System Tray on Minimize</B> - Sends AudioEdit Deluxe to the system tray, instead of the Taskbar, when minimized.</p><p><B>Show File Extension on Main Window</B> - Displays the extension of the current file, along with the base filename, on the main Window.</p><p><B>Use Alternate Conversion Methods</B> - Provides an alternate conversion method that changes the way that AudioEdit Deluxe converts the file. Some systems do not support AudioEdit Deluxe's advanced default conversion methods. If AudioEdit Deluxe does not successfully perform a conversion on your system, selecting this option can provide a better solution. This option also supports CDDB2.</p><p><B>Skin File</B> - Select the skin you wish to apply. Select the Default button to return to the original skin.</p><p><B>Temporary Files Location</B> - Selects the output folder that AudioEdit Deluxe uses when writing temporary files to disk.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_audio_editor_delete="<p><b>Delete</b></p><p>Deletes the portion of the audio file that you have selected with the mouse pointer.</p>";
//--ADDED 10-22-02, rtl--//
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_initialize_capture="<p><b>Initialize Capture</b></p><p>Sets up the software to capture video. If you select this command, when you click the Start button, the video capture starts immediately. If you do not select this command, when you click the Start button, a slight pause occurs before the start of the video capture.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_video_capture="<p><b>Video Capture/ Abort Capture</b></p><p>Starts or stops the video capture.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_capture_still_frame="<p><b>Capture Still Frame</b></p><p>Allows you to save the current frame to an image filename and path in .bmp format.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_copy_frame_to_clipboard="<p><b>Copy Frame to Clipboard </b></p><p>Allows you to copy the current frame to the Clipboard. This is useful if you want to paste the information into another file, such as a Microsoft« WordÖ document.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_audio_format="<p><b>Legacy Device Settings > Audio Format</b></p><p>Opens the Sound Selection dialog box. You can set options for CD quality, radio quality, or telephone quality sound. You can also set the specific Khz, bits, stereo/mono, and kb per second. You can save your settings under a specific name by entering the name you want in the Name box and clicking the Save As button. When you do this, the name that you specified appears in the dropdown list for the Name box.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_video_display="<p><b>Legacy Device Settings > Video Display</b></p><p>Allows you to set video display properties. The options that appear are determined by the devices installed on your computer.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_video_format="<p><b>Legacy Device Settings > Video Format</b></p><p>Allows you to set video format properties. The options that appear are determined by the devices installed on your computer.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_video_source="<p><b>Legacy Device Settings > Video Source</b></p><p>Allows you to set the source of the video capture. The options that appear are determined by the devices installed on your computer.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_enable_close_captioning="<p><b>Enable Close Captioning</b></p><p>Allows you to add close captioning to the video.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_enable_live_preview="<p><b>Enable Live Preview</b></p><p>Allows you to view the current video in the Preview box of the Video Capture dialog box.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_full_screen_mode="<p><b>Full Screen Mode</b></p><p>Expands the display of your video capture area to fit the entire monitor screen. You can select this command while you are capturing video without affecting the final video. To return to the software from full screen display, click the left mouse button.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_record="<p><b>Record</b></p><p>Allows you to record audio and video at the same time or just audio or video.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_video_device="<p><b>Video Device</b></p><p>Displays the currently selected video device.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_audio_device="<p><b>Audio Device</b></p><p>Displays the currently selected audio device. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_change_device="<p><b>Change Device</b></p><p>Opens the Change Device dialog box so that you can change your hardware to capture audio, video, or both. The items that appear in the Video and Audio lists depend on your computer hardware. You can select Line 1 or Line 2 in the Line box. Click the Configure button to set additional items for your hardware.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_record_time_limit="<p><b>Record Time Limit</b></p><p>Sets the time for recording an audio or video file. You can select values from 1 to 100 seconds.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_audio_compression="<p><b>Audio Compression </b></p><p>Allows you to select the type of audio compression for the final recording.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_audio_properties="<p><b>Properties</b></p><p>Allows you to set options for audio compression. The dialog box that appears depends on the items installed on your computer.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_video_compression="<p><b>Video Compression </b></p><p>Allows you to select the type of video compression for the final recording.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_video_properties="<p><b>Properties</b></p><p>Allows you to set options for video compression. The dialog box that appears depends on the items installed on your computer.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_elapsed="<p><b>Elapsed</b></p><p>Displays the seconds that elapsed from the time that you clicked File > Video Capture or the Start button.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_output_file="<p><b>Output File</b></p><p>Displays the name that you set when you click the Select button.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_start_stop_recording="<p><b>Start/Stop Recording</b></p><p>Begins or stops the video recording. Bright red indicates that the video recording is progressing. Deep maroon indicates that the video recording is stopped.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_select="<p><b>Select</b></p><p>Allows you to set the filename and save the video that you captured in .avi format.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_preview="<p><b>Preview</b></p><p>Displays the current video input.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_lyrics_search_artist="<p><b>Artist </b></p><p>Enter the name of the music artist that you want. To search for song titles, click the Find button. You can also press Enter on the keyboard to display a list of songs and album titles.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_lyrics_search_detach_attach="<p><b>Detach V/Attach </b></p><p>Allows you to display the music lyrics that the software finds in a different window, the Lyrics Viewer window. When you click the Detach V button, the button name changes to Attach and the Lyrics Viewer window appears. To undo this action, click the Attach button and the Lyrics Viewer window disappears and the lyrics appear in the Lyrics Search dialog box again.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_lyrics_search_library ="<p><b>Library </b></p><p>Displays the Lyrics Database dialog box. This dialog box saves the lyrics that you find on your computer so that you can use the lyrics at any time. You can edit, add, and delete items on this dialog box. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_lyrics_search_find ="<p><b>Find </b></p><p>Searches the web for song titles based on the name of the artist that you enter in the Artist box. The album and song titles apear in the Song List window on the right side of the dialog box. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_lyrics_search_lyrics_window ="<p><b>Lyrics Window </b></p><p>Displays the words to song titles that you click in the Song List Window, on the right side of the dialog box. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_lyrics_search_song_list_window="<p><b>Song List Window </b></p><p>Displays a list of albums and songs based on the name of the artist that you enter in the Artist box. You can click song titles that have a blue underline to display the song lyrics. You cannot click song titles in plain text to display the lyrics. </p>";
//--added 3-2-03, RTL--//
var GLOSS_BLAZE_configure_3="<p><b>Configure -</b> Allows you to set the following options:</p><p><B>On Error Retries -</B> Sets the number of read retries that AudioEdit Deluxe attempts when a read error occurs.</p><p><B>Blocks/Buffer Size -</B> Determines the size of blocks and buffers for a more efficient data transfer rate.</p><p><B>Read Speed - </B>Enter the read speed that you want for the drive.</p><p><B>Jitter Mode -</B> Sets the jitter mode for the extraction. You can select None, Always, or On Error Only. If you have a drive that supports Accurate CCDA, you should select None. This type of drive operates poorly if jitter correction disrupts the read stream. If jitter occurs with this type of drive, then try lowering the drive speed.<p><B>Jitter Overlap -</B> Sets the amount of overlap for jitter correction. AudioEdit Deluxe attempts to overlap the sectors it is reading and match them to get the best recording possible.</p><p><B>Lock CD Tray During Conversion - </B>Prevents the CD tray from opening during the write operation.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_allow_intensity_1="<p><b>Allow Intensity -</b> Uses a special type of joint stereo. This method should never be used if better quality is desired. It is useful only at very low bit-rates. This option determines whether the encoder takes into account the frequency of a signal when encoding its phase characteristics, allowing for more compression at low bit rates. In most cases, you should leave this option selected. However, if you are working with highly phase-dependent material, such as Dolby Surround, you might want to deselect this option. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_write_crc_1="<p><b>Write CRC - </b>Adds error detection data to the MP3 file. You do not need this option most of the time; this option also takes away from the space available for audio data. Select this option only if you are sure your delivery method requires error correction.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_use_vbr_1="<p><b>Use VBR -</b> Allows the method of encoding called Variable Bit Rate (VBR). VBR encodes the file at a varying bit rate to maintain the level of encoding quality that you select with the VBR Setting command. The bit rate automatically varies depending on the type of data being compressed. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vbr_setting_1="<p><b>VBR Setting (1-10) -</b> Sets the level of encoding quality for the VBR encoding method. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_CDDB_provider_1="<p><b>CDDB Provider -</b> Allows you to select the provider, including CDDB2 or FreeDB. You can also select FreeDB Settings and enter the proxy paramters.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_volume_control_2="<p><b>Volume Control - </b>Adjusts the volume.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_name_media_manager="<p><b>Name - </b>Displays the name of the file in the directory that you selected in the directory tree.</p>";
//--audio recognition options, 3-2-03, BTL--//
var GLOSS_BLAZE_lookup_file_1="<p><b>Lookup File - </b>Allows you to select the audio file that you want to compare against information in the CDDB online database. You must first select a directory in the Folders tree and a file in the Files list before you can use this button. After you click the Lookup File button, the Match dialog box appears with a list of potential matches. You can select the item that you want from the list. After you accept the match, the album, artist, and tracks titles appear in the Matching Disc Info boxes.</p><p class='tip'>Tip</p><ul><li>The Match dialog box does not appear if the software finds only one match.</li></ul>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_update_file_1="<p><b>Update File - </b>Updates the selected file in the Files list with information from the item that you selected in the Tracks Titles list. The new tag information appears in the ID3 Tag Information boxes.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_rename_from_tag_1="<p><b>Rename from Tag - </b>Renames the file that you selected in the Files list with the tracks title and artist name of the matching file from the online database that you selected.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_full_disc_info_1="<p><b>Full Disc Info - </b>Displays information about the disc that you selected from the CDDB online database. The information includes album, tracks, credits, and segments data.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_update_tag_1="<p><b>Update Tag - </b>Updates the selected file in the Files list with information from the item that you selected in the Tracks Titles list. The new tag information appears in the ID3 Tag Information boxes.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_rename_file_1="<p><b>Rename File - </b>Renames the file that you selected in the Files list with the tracks title and artist name of the matching file from the online database that you selected.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_full_disc_info_1="<p><b>Full Disc Info - </b>Displays information about the disc that you selected from the CDDB online database. The information includes album, tracks, credits, and segments data.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_folders_4="<p> <b>Folders - </b>Displays a folder tree. You must select a folder from the list before you can look up information in the online database.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_files_4="<p> <b>Files - </b>Displays a list of files that includes MP3, WMA, WAV, and OGG files. You must select a file from the list before you can look up information in the online database.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_ID3_tag_info_1="<p> <b>ID3 Tag Info - </b>Displays the ID3 tag information for the file that you selected in the Files list. If these boxes are blank, then the file that you selected does not have ID3 tag information. If you click the Update Tag button, the ID3 tag information from the online database is written to the file that you selected in the Files list.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcap_matching_disk_info_1="<p> <b>Matching Disk Info - </b>Displays the album, artist, and tracks titles from the online database that match the file that you selected in the Files list. You must click the Lookup File button to display the information that matches.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_merge_options_1="<p><b>Merge Options - </b>Allows you to set what type of ID3 information that you want to write to the file that you selected in the Files list. You can choose the following:</p><ul><li>Default (ID and Missing Fields)</li><li>Update All</li> <li>ID Only</li></ul>";
//--video capture options, 3-3-03, BTL--//
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_new_1="<p><b>New - </b>Creates a new video file. You can select the width, height, and frame rate.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_open_1="<p><b>Open - </b>Allows you to open an AVI, MPG, or WMV video file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_close_1="<p><b>Close - </b>Closes the video file that is currently open.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_save_1="<p><b>Save - </b>Allows you to save the current video file. The first time you save a file in AudioEdit Deluxe Video Editor, the Save Configuration dialog box appears. You can set options for video and audio codec, MPG size and bit rates, and a WMV profile. You can later change these settings by clicking Options > Video Save Configuration.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_save_as_1="<p><b>Save As - </b>Allows you to save the current video file as AVI, MPG, or WMV. You can also select the video and audio codecs and the audio format, such as Stereo - 44KHz - 1411 kbps.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_save_selection_as_1="<p><b>Save Selection As - </b>Allows you to save the current selection in the video file as AVI, MPG, or WMV. You can also select the video and audio codecs and the audio format, such as Stereo - 44KHz - 1411 kbps.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_exit_1="<p><b>Exit -</b> Closes the Video Editor window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_mRU_1="<p><b>Most Recently Used Files List - </b>Displays a list of the video files that you have used most recently.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_cutaudiovideo_1="<p><b>Audio/Video - </b>Removes both audio and video from the area that you have selected and places the information into the Clipboard. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_cutvideoonly_1="<p><b>Video Only - </b>Removes only video from the area that you have selected and places the information into the Clipboard. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_cutaudioonly_1="<p><b>Audio Only - </b>Removes the audio content from the area that you have selected and places the information into the Clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_cutcurrentframe_1="<p><b>Current Frame - </b>Removes the current frame that you have selected and places it into the Clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_copyaudiovideo_1="<p><b>Audio/Video - </b>Copies the audio and video that you have selected and places it into the Clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_copyvideoonly_1="<p><b>Video Only - </b>Copies only the video from the area that you have selected and places it into the Clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_copyaudioonly_1="<p><b>Audio Only - </b>Copies only the audio from the area that you have selected and places it into the Clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_copycurrentframe_1="<p><b>Current Frame - </b>Copies the current frame that you have selected and places it into the Clipboard.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_pasteclipboard_1="<p><b>Clipboard - </b>Places audio or video content from the Clipboard into the area that you have selected.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_pastefile_1="<p><b>File - </b>Pastes a file into the area that you have selected.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_pasteblankframes_1="<p><b>Blank Frames - </b>Inserts blank frames into the area that you have selected. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_exportframe_1="<p><b>Export Frame - </b>Saves the frame to one of the following formats: PNG, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PPM, SUN RAS, TGA, TIFF, BMP, and XPM. You can select from different color depths for each format. For some of the formats, you can also set the subfile type, progressive options, Q factor, compression ratio, target size, and other options.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_exportaudioselection_1="<p><b>Export Audio Selection - </b>Saves the audio that you have selected to one of the following formats: WAV, MP3, or WMA.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_play_1="<p><b>Play - </b>Starts the video file.</p></p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_pause_1="<p><b>Pause - </b>Temporarily stops the video file.</p></p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_seekfirstframe_1="<p><b>Seek First Frame - </b>Moves the pointer to the first frame of the video file.</p></p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_seekpreviousframe_1="<p><b>Seek Previous Frame - </b>Moves the pointer to the previous frame of the video file. </p></p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_seeknextframe_1="<p><b>Seek Next Frame - </b>Moves the pointer to the next frame from the current position.</p></p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_seeklastframe_1="<p><b>Seek Last Frame - </b>Moves the pointer to the last frame of the video file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_sepia_1="<p><b>Sepia Tone </b></p><p>Changes the colors in the video to a sepia, or brownish, tint.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_delete_1="<p><b>Delete - </b>Removes the portion of the file that you have selected or removes the current frame, if nothing is selected. If you have selected Audio Only in the Edit Mode box, this command removes only audio information. If you have selected Video Only, this command removes only video information.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_selectall_1="<p><b>Select All - </b>Selects all the audio and video in the current frame.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_stamp_1="<p><b>Stamp </b></p><p>Allows you to select an image and apply it to the selected video frames. You can set the alignment and dimensions of the image in the frame.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_applytext_1="<p><b>Apply Text </b></p><p>Allows you to apply text to the selected video. You can determine the font, style, such as 3D effects, color, and other settings for the text that you enter.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_zoombutton_1="<p><b>Zoom - </b>Allows you to select one of the following options:</p><ul> <li><b>Fit to Area - </b>Moves the current view in or out to fit the area. </li><li><b>Actual Size - </b>Moves the current view in or out to fit the size of the frame.</li><li><b>50 % - </b>Zooms out so that you see a view that is 50 % of the frame size.</li><li><b>200 % -</b> Zooms in so that you see a view that is 200 % of the frame size.</li><li><b>400 % - </b>Zooms in so that you see a view that is 400 % of the frame size.</li><li><b>Increase Zoom - </b>Increases the zoom.</li><li><b>Decrease Zoom -</b> Decreases the zoom.</li><li><b>Custom Zoom - </b>Allows you to set the magnification factor of the zoom.</li></ul>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_editmode_1="<p><b>Edit Mode - </b>Selects whether you edit only the video or audio or both. For example, if you click Audio Only and then select the Edit > Cut command, only audio information is removed from the current frame.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_selectionbutton_1="<p><b>Selection - </b>Allows you to select a sequential number of frames based on the seconds that you enter in the Mark Start and Mark End boxes. To select, enter the starting second in the Mark Start box. You must then click the Seek To button to advance to that point in the video and mark the beginning of the selection. A darker grey line on the slider bar below the media window indicates the beginning of the selection. For example, if you enter 9 in the box, this marks the ninth second in the video as the beginning of the selection. <p>To mark the end of the sequence, you must enter the ending second in the Mark End box. You then click the Mark End button and Seek To button to select the video between the mark start point and the mark end point. A darker grey line appears on the slider bar to indicate the entire selection.</p><p class='tip'>Tip</p><ul><li>You can also select a sequence of frames by pressing and holding the Shift key while you move the slider bar.</li></ul><p> You can click the Seek To buttons to return to the beginning or end of the selection. Click the Clear button to clear the selection on the slider bar.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_volume_1="<p><b>Volume - </b>Controls the volume of the audio track.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_play_1="<p><b>Play - </b>Plays the video file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_sliderbar_1="<p><b>Slider Bar - </b>Shows the progress of the video file. Drag the slider bar to change to a different frame in the video file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_gotostart_1="<p><b>Go to Start - </b>Moves to the first frame of the file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_previousframe_1="<p><b>Previous Frame - </b>Changes the active frame to the one before the frame currently displayed in the window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_nextframe_1="<p><b>Next Frame - </b>Changes the active frame to the one after the frame currently displayed in the window.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_gotoend_1="<p><b>Go to End - </b>Changes the active frame to the last frame of the file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_videosaveconfiguration_1="<p><b>Video Save Configuration - </b>Allows you to set video options: video and audio codecs and the audio format, such as Stereo - 44KHz - 1411 kbps.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_fittoarea_1="<p><b>Fit to Area - </b>Moves the current view in or out to fit the area.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_actualsize_1="<p><b>Actual Size - </b>Moves the current view in or out to fit the size of the frame.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_50_1="<p> <b>50 % - </b>Zooms out so that you see a view that is 50 % of the frame size.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_200_1="<p><b>200 % -</b> Zooms in so that you see a view that is 200 % of the frame size.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_400_1="<p><b>400 % - </b>Zooms in so that you see a view that is 400 % of the frame size.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_increasezoom_1="<p><b>Increase Zoom - </b>Increases the zoom.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_decreasezoom_1="<p><b>Decrease Zoom -</b> Decreases the zoom.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_videdit_customzoom_1="<p><b>Custom Zoom - </b>Allows you to set the magnification factor of the zoom.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_constructvideo_1="<p><b>Construct Video -</b> Combines the files in the list into a video file.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_formatconfiguration_1="<p><b>Format Configuration -</b> Opens the Video Save Configuration dialog box. You can set options for AVI, including the audio and video codec. You can also set the size, bitrate, and frame rate for an MPG file. For an WMV file, you can select a profile, such as Broadband or Cable modem/DSL connection (100 Kpbps through 768 kpbs).</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_resolution_1="<p><b>Resolution -</b> Sets the resolution of the output file. You can select from the following: First File's Dimensions, 160 x 120, 320 x 240, 640 x 480.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_frameduration_1="<p><b>Frame Duration -</b> Sets the duration in seconds for single frame images in the list. This command does not affect video files in the list.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_add_1="<p><b>Add -</b> Adds files to the list.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_addpath_1="<p><b>Add Path -</b> Allows you to add all appropriate files in a directory to the list.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_remove_1="<p><b>Remove -</b> Removes files from the list.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_moveup_1="<p><b>Move Up -</b> Re-orders a file in the list by moving the file up. You must select a file first.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_movedown_1="<p><b>Move Down -</b> Re-orders a file in the list by moving the file down. You must select a file first.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_sortalphabeticalascending_1="<p><b>Sort (Alphabetical - Ascending) -</b> Allows you to sort the list in ascending alphabetical order by file name.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_sortalphabeticaldescending_1="<p><b>Sort (Alphabetical - Descending) -</b> Allows you to sort the list in descending alphabetical order by file name.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_sortdateascending_1="<p><b>Sort (Date - Ascending) -</b> Allows you to sort the list in ascending order by file date.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_sortdatedescending_1="<p><b>Sort (Date - Descending)</b><b> -</b> Allows you to sort the list in descending order by file date.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_selectall_1="<p><b>Select All -</b> Selects all files in the list.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_vidcon_deselectall_1="<p><b>Deselect All</b><b> -</b> Cancels the selection of all files in the list.</p>";
//--descriptions from AutoImager, many of these aren't used, BTL--//
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Add_Noise_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Add Noise </p><p>Adds random pixels to the video, letting you specify the percentage of coverage and the color plane. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Level - 0 to 1000</LI><LI> Channel - Master, Red, Green, Blue </LI></UL><p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Auto_Contrast_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Auto-Contrast </p><p>Uniformly adjusts the contrast in the video to the optimum value. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Average_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Average </p><p>Changes the color of each pixel in the video to the average color of pixels in its neighborhood. This results in a blur effect. You control the amount of blur by specifying the size of the neighborhood that is used for averaging. </p><p><B>Options </B> Sample size - 3 to 11 </p><p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Blend_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Blend </p><p>Blends each pixel in the video with its neighboring pixels. </p><p><B>Options </B> Percent </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Blur_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Blur </p><p>Blurs the video by averaging each pixel with each of its neighboring pixels. High Radius values produce a more blurred picture. </p><p><B>Options</B> Radius </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Border_Remove_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Border Remove </p><p>Removes borders from 1-bit videos. To fine-tune the performance of this feature, try modifying the values for White Noise Length, Border Percent, and variance. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Border to remove - Left, Right, Top, Bottom</LI><LI>Border percent</LI><LI>White Noise Length</LI><LI> Variance</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Brightness_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Brightness </p><p>Changes the intensity, or brightness, of the video to the specified level. </p><p><B>Options </B> Percentage </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Buttonize_Inset_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Buttonize </p><p>Transforms the video to make it look like a 3D button by adding translucent bevels to the edges of the video. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Style - Rectangle, Rim, Round, Double Round</LI><LI>Bevel Width</LI><LI>Intensity</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Color_Resolution_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Color Resolution </p><p>Converts the video from any bits-per-pixel to any bits-per-pixel, letting you specify the palette to use. Also, when converting to 16-bits per pixel or higher, you can specify RGB or BGR color order. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Bits Per Pixel - 1 to 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 </LI><LI>Color Order - Blue-Green-Red, Red-Green-Blue</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Contrast_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Contrast</p><P>Sets the contrast of the video. </P><P><B>Options </B>Percentage - -1000 to +1000<P>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Crop_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Crop </p><p>Trims the video, resulting in an video that is the size of the specified rectangle. </p><p><B>Options </B> </P><UL><LI>Use Percentage - 0 to 40</LI><LI>Use Dimension - Left, Top, Right, Bottom, with range from 0 to 32767 </LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Deskew_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Deskew </p><p>Rotates the video to straighten it. This method typically is used to automatically straighten video frames that contain text. The calculated rotation is limited to 10 degrees in either direction. The results are unpredictable in frames that are not text-based. Click the Undo button if you get results you do not want. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Despeckle_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Despeckle </p><p>Removes speckles from the video. Typically, this feature is used to clean up scanned images, such as FAX images. This option removes 1-pixel speckles, and shrinks some larger speckles. Therefore, in some cases, larger speckles can be completely removed by running it more than once. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Diffuse_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Diffuse </p><p>Diffuses the video by replacing each pixel with a randomly selected neighboring pixel. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Dilate_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Dilate </p><p>Dilates the video by enlarging each pixel exponentially according to the file's composition. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Emboss_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Emboss </p><p>Applies an emboss effect to the video, letting you specify the depth and direction of the effect. </p><p><B>Options </B></p><UL><LI> Direction - North, North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West, West, North-West,</LI><LI>Depth - 0 to 1000 </LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Erode_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Erode </p><p>Brightens a video by enlarging the bright regions of the original video. The Strength option determines the extent of the brightening. Set the Strength to 10 for maximum erosions or to 1 for no erosion. This effect erodes the video using a 3 x 3 area of a pixel. If the average brightness of the local area is brighter than 255 minus the amount, the central pixel is replaced by its brightest neighbor. </p><p><B>Options </B>Strength </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Flip_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Flip </p><p>Flips the video from top to bottom. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Gamma_Correct_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Gamma Correct </p><p>Adjusts the intensity of colors in the video by changing the gamma constant that is used to map the intensity values. Intensity values ideally follow a logarithmic progression, because the eye perceives changes in intensity as being equal when the ratio of change is equal. For example, we would see a change from 0.1 to 0.2 as being equal to a change from 0.2 to 0.4. Gamma is a standard constant that is used to calculate the progression. For most CRTs, the gamma constant is in the range of 2.2 to 2.5. Because this value is an unsigned integer, the value is 100 times the actual gamma value. For example, you must enter 235 in the Value box to set a gamma value of 2.35. </p><p><B>Options </B>Red Channel, Green Channel, and Blue Channel - 10 to 100 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Grayscale_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Grayscale </p><p>Converts a 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit video to an 8, 12, or 16-bit grayscale video. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Half_tone_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Half-tone </p><p>Converts a 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit video to a halftoned bitmap. A halftoned bitmap is a 1-bit bitmap that has been dithered for black and white printing or display. If the bitmap is originally 1-bit but is not black and white, this method changes it to black and white. </p><p><B>Options </B> Angle - -360 to 360 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_HistoContrast_1="<p CLASS='heading'>HistoContrast </p><p>Increases or decreases the contrast of the video, using a histogram to determine the median brightness. This method finds the median brightness of the video; then brightens the pixels with values above the median and darkens the pixels with values below the median. This is more sophisticated, but slower, than the Contrast feature, which uses the middle possible value, 128, rather than finding the actual median. </p><p><B>Options </B> Percentage - -100 to 100 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_HistoEqualize_1="<p CLASS='heading'>HistoEqualize </p><p>Linearizes the number of pixels per gray level in the bitmap. This can be used to bring out the detail in dark areas of a video. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Hue_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Hue </p><p>Changes the hue of colors in the video by rotating the color wheel. This feature can rotate the color wheel in either direction. A 180-degree rotation in either direction changes each color to its complement. Positive rotation takes red toward green, green toward blue, and blue toward red. Negative rotation has the opposite effect. </p><p><B>Options </B> Angle - -360 to 360 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Intensity_Detect_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Intensity Detect </p><p>Filters the video to detect colors in a specified intensity range. Intensity levels range from 0 to 255 for each color plane, red, green, and blue. This feature processes each plane separately. If a value falls within the range, it is raised to 255, and if it falls outside the range, it is lowered to 0. </p><p><B>Options </B> Low - 0 to 255, High - 0 to 255 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Invert_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Invert </p><p>Inverts the colors in the video, making it like a photographic negative. This feature can also be used to invert the color of a 1-bit video, making the black white and the white black. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Invert_Text_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Invert Text</p><p>Inverts the colors in the video, making it like a photographic negative. This feature can also be used to invert the color of a 1-bit video, making the black white and the white black. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Use DPI </LI><LI>Use Diagonals</LI><LI>Inverted Text Dimensions - Minimum Invert Width, Minimum Invert Height</LI><LI>Opacity - Minimum Black Percent, Maximum Black Percent</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Line_Remove_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Line Remove </p><p>Removes horizontal and vertical lines in a 1-bit black and white video. This method removes horizontal and vertical lines from scanned text documents. If the lines pass through text, the parameters can be set to remove or preserve the text. This method works only on 1-bit black and white videos. To fine-tune the performance of this feature, try modifying the values for Wall, Gap Length and variance. </p><p><B>Options</B></p><UL><LI>Use DPI </LI><LI>Lines to Remove - Horizontal, Vertical</LI><LI>Dimensions - Minimum Length, Maximum Width, Wall Height, Max Wall Percent</LI><LI>Optional Processing - Line variance, Maximum Gap, Remove Entire Line</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Matix_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Matrix </p><p>Applies a 3x3 convolution matrix filter to the video. </p><p><B>Options </B> Matrix Values, Divisor, Intensity </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Max_Filter_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Max Filter </p><p>Erodes dark objects by the amount that you specify. This is a more controlled version of the omni-directional erosion filter that you can set with the Binary Filter option. You control the effect by specifying the size of the neighborhood that is used for calculating each pixel value. For example, for 8x8, pass a value of 8. Each pixel is replaced with the maximum value of its neighborhood. </p><p><B>Options </B> Sample Size - 3 to 11 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Median_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Median </p><p>Changes the color of each pixel in the video to the median color of pixels in its neighborhood. This is similar to the Average method, but it is used for noise reduction, rather than a blur effect. You control the effect by specifying the size of the neighborhood that is used for calculating the median value. For 8x8, pass a value of 8. </p><p><B>Options </B> Sample Size - 3 to 11 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Min_Filter_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Min Filter </p><p>Dilates dark objects by the amount that you specify. This is a more controlled version of the omni-directional dilation filter that you can set with the Binary Filter option. You control the effect by specifying the size of the neighborhood that is used for calculating each pixel value. For example, for 8x8, pass a value of 8. Each pixel is replaced with the minimum value of its neighborhood. </p><p><B>Options </B> Sample Size - 3 to 11 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Mirror_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Mirror </p><p>Reverses the video, left to right, to produce a mirror video. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Mosaic_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Mosaic </p><p>Imposes a mosaic effect on the video by dividing the video into tiles of a specified size and changing the color of all pixels in each tile to the average color of pixels within the tile. </p><p><B>Options </B> Tile Size </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Motion_Blur_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Motion Blur </p><p>Increases or decreases the contrast of the video by the level, or percentage, that you specify.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Negative_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Negative </p><p>Creates a color negative of the video. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Oilify_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Oilify </p><p>Applies an oil-painting effect to the video. You control the effect by specifying the size of the neighborhood that is used for calculating the pixel value. For example, for 8x8, pass a value of 8. You increase the size of the neighborhood in order to decrease the amount of detail in the resulting video. </p><p><B>Options </B> Sample size - 3 to 11 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Outline_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Outline </p><p>Performs an outline effect on the video. Outlining has the effect of creating enhanced edges. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Parabolic_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Parabolic - Concave or Convex </p><p>Transforms the brightness values of each pixel of the video using a parabolic effect. </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Perspective_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Perspective </p><p>Performs a perspective effect on the video by vertically or horizontally changing the aspect for each row or column of pixels from the percent specified by IPPerspectivePct to 100%. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Type - Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Bottom to Top, Right to Left </LI><LI>Percent </LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Pinch_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Pinch </p><p>Transforms the video by making it look as if it were pinched in the center. </p><p><B>Options </B> Intensity </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Posterize_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Posterize </p><p>Imposes a poster effect on the video by quantizing the video's colors to a specified number of color levels per plane. For example, two levels means two of red, two of green, and two of blue. </p><p><B>Options </B> Levels per color plane - 2 to 64 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Push_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Push </p><p>Transforms the video by making it look as if it were pushed in the center. </p><p><B>Options </B> Intensity </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Resample_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Resample </p><p>Resizes the video, using interpolation and averaging to produce a higher-quality video than is achieved with normal resizing. This method will take more time to complete than the normal resize operation, however. </p><p><B>Options </B></p><UL><LI>Height and width of old and new video</LI><LI>Resolution</LI><LI>Method</LI><LI>Maintain Aspect Ratio</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Resize_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Resize </p><p>Resizes the video to a new width and height. This changes the storage requirements of the video, and is not the same as scaling the display - zooming out or zooming in. </p><p><B>Options </B></p><UL><LI>Height and width of old and new video</LI><LI>Resolution</LI><LI>Method</LI><LI>Maintain Aspect Ratio</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_RGB_Enhance_1="<p CLASS='heading'>RGB Enhance </p><p>Adjusts the red, green, and blue components of the video automatically to enhance the file. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Type - Percent, Units </LI><LI>Red</LI><LI>Green</LI><LI>Blue</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Ripple_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Ripple </p><p>Produces a wave-like ripple effect on the video. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Frequency - 1 to 100</LI><LI>Height - 1 to 100</LI><LI>Direction - Horizontal, Vertical </LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Rotate_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Rotate </p><p>Rotates the selected video by the degree specified. You can also define the background color to fill any new area created by the rotation.</p><p>Rotate uses the center of the selected video as the center of rotation. The Rotate command can rotate the video clockwise or counterclockwise up to 360 degrees in hundredth-of-a-degree increments. It can resize the video to accommodate the rotated height and width, or it can retain the original height and width, cropping the video as necessary.</p><P><B>Options </B></P><UL><LI>Clockwise Angle</LI><LI> Resize</LI><LI> Background Color</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Saturation_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Saturation </p><p>Increases or decreases the saturation of colors in the video. Negative values decrease the saturation of colors. Positive values increase the saturation. The saturation level is increased or decreased by a percentage of its present saturation level. For example, an increase of 20% of the current saturation level L raises the new saturation level L1 to a value of L + 0.20 * L. Likewise, increasing the saturation level 100% doubles the saturation level, L1 = L + 1.0 * L. Decreasing the saturation level 100% sets the new saturation level to 0. This process is carried out for every pixel. </p><p><B>Options </B> Percentage - -1000 to 1000 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Sharpen_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Sharpen </p><p>Increases or decreases the sharpness of the video. Negative values decrease the sharpness of the video. Specify -1000 for minimum sharpness. Positive values increase the sharpness. Specify +1000 for maximum sharpness. </p><p><B>Options </B> Percentage - -1000 to 1000 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Solarize_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Solarize </p><p>Applies an effect that mimics the accidental exposure of photographic film to light. It does so by inverting all color data with an intensity value greater than or equal to the threshold that you specify. </p><p><B>Options </B> Threshold - 1 to 255 </p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Spatial_Filter_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Spatial Filter </p><p>Imposes a spatial filter on the video. Spatial filters are used for operations such as sharpening a video or detecting edges within the video. This feature works best with 24-bit, 16-bit, or grayscale videos. If a video uses a color palette, this method matches the new brightness value of each pixel to the nearest color in the existing palette. </p><p><B>Options </B> </P><UL><LI>Filter Type<UL><LI>Emboss - Creates a video with an embossed appearance. This is used for artistic effect. Choose the appropriate value for the direction of the effect. </LI><LI>Gradient - Detects edges using a Gradient directional filter. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black. Choose the appropriate value for the direction of the effect. </LI><LI>Laplacian - Applies Laplacian line detection. There are three omnidirectional filters and three bi-directional ones. All pixels not on the detected lines are changed to black. </LI><LI>Sobel - Applies Sobel edge detection. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black. The usage is the same as Prewitt, but the algorithm is different. Choose the appropriate value for horizontal or vertical detection. </LI><LI>Prewitt - Applies Prewitt edge detection. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black. The usage is the same as Sobel, but the algorithm is different. Choose the appropriate value for horizontal or vertical detection. </LI><LI>Shift and Difference - Applies shift-and-difference edge detection. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black. Choose the appropriate value for diagonal, horizontal, or vertical detection. </LI><LI>Line Segment - Applies line segment line detection. You can use this filter to find line discontinuities in a video. All pixels not on the detected line segments are changed to black. Choose the appropriate value for horizontal, vertical, left-to-right diagonal, or right-to-left diagonal detection. </LI></UL></p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Stretch_Intensity_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Stretch Intensity </p><p>Increases the contrast in an bitmap by centering, maximizing, and proportioning the range of intensity values. Unlike the Contrast feature, this option always retains the original number of different intensity values. Ordinary contrast adjustments can lose values at the high and low ends of the scale.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Swirl_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Swirl </p><p>Transforms the video by making it look as if it were swirled from the center. </p><p><B>Options </B> Degrees, -360 to 360 </p><p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Twist_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Twist </p><p>Performs a twist effect on the video. A twist is performed by dividing the video into square blocks and rotating each block. </p><p><B>Options </B> </P><UL><LI> Block Size, 1 to 63</LI><LI>Rotation Angle - 90 Degrees, 180 Degrees, 270 Degrees, Random</UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Binary_Filters_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Binary Filter </p><p>Imposes one of the predefined binary filters for erosion or dilation of black objects. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Filter type - <UL><LI>Erosion - Shrinks black objects in the video. The effect is biased in the specified direction. </LI><LI>Dilation - Enlarges black objects in the bitmap. The effect is biased in the specified direction. </LI></UL></LI><LI> Filter value - Omnidirectional, Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal </LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Gaussian_Blur_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Gaussian Blur </p><p>Applies a type of filter that is especially good for grainy or speckled videos. In this type of effect, pixel weights are not equal. They decrease from kernel center to edges according to a bell-shaped curve called Gaussian.</P><P>Each pixel in the video being processed is blurred based on neighborhood pixels. The Size parameter determines the size of the neighborhood to consider when blurring a pixel. The result is a blurred version of the original video. </p><p><B>Options </B> Size, 1 to 50</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_anti_alias_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Anti-Alias </p><p>Smooths the jagged edges of the video.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Colored_Gray_Filter_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Colored Gray Filter</p><p>Converts the processed videos to grayscale, then enhances the color components based on the specified parameters. You can use the Colored Gray Filter to give videos an old-fashioned look by adding a blue or brown color. Red Value Weight + Green Value Weight + Blue Value Weight must equal 1000. The software divides each value by 1000.</p><P>The software modies the red, green, and blue values for each pixel in the video using the Red Value Weight, Green Value Weight, and Blue Value Weight settings, respectively. This gives more weight to one color, essentially enhancing that color, before the pixel is converted to grayscale.</p><P>For example, if you set the Red Value Weight set to 500, the Green Value Weight to 250, and the Blue Value Weight to 250, the red value of each pixel gets 50% of the weight when determining the grayscale value. The green value gets 25% of the weight, and the blue value gets 25% of the weight when determining the grayscale value. This highlights or enhances the red in the bitmap, prior to conversion to grayscale. Upon conversion to grayscale, the red, green, and blue components of the output pixel are the same. Call this value G. Therefore, the RGB values for the pixel would be (G, G, G).</p><P>Once the grayscale value for the pixel has been obtained, the red component of the output pixel can be further modified using the Red Weight Factor Modifier value. The equation for this is as follows:</p><P>Goutput-red = G + G * Red Weight Factor Modifier / 1000</p><P>The green and blue components are found similarly, using the Green Weight Factor Modifier and the Blue Weight Factor Modifier values, respectively.</p><P>The Red Weight Factor Modifier, Green Weight Factor Modifier, and Blue Weight Factor Modifier values can be negative. A negative value results in a decrease in pixel intensity. A positive value results in an increase in pixel intensity. </p><P><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Red Value Weight</LI><LI>Green Value Weight </LI><LI>Blue Value Weight</LI><LI>Red Weight Factor Modifier</LI><LI>Green Weight Factor Modifier</LI><LI>Blue Weight Factor Modifier</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_Windowlevel_1="<p CLASS='heading'>WindowLevel</p><p>Converts a 12 or 16-bit grayscale video to an 8-bit grayscale or a 24-bit colorbitmap. There are four settings associated with this feature: Level Low Bit, Level High Bit,Level LUT, and Level LUT Length. They are all reset to their default values within thisoption. This feature applies window leveling to the video, changing the video data to match the display video. It is valid only for 12 and 16-bit grayscale videos.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_filename_1="<P>The /f command allows you to specify the following items: <UL><LI>Path (/f c:\Images)</LI><LI>Wildcard (/f c:\Images\*.jpg)</LI><LI>Single file (/f c:\Images\Sample.jpg)</LI></UL><P>All three of those options can be a single or multiple or any combination. For example, (/f c:\Images c:\Other\*.bmp c:\Data\Image.tif) adds all the images in the Images directory (folder), all the bmp images in the Other directory, and the Image.tif image.</P>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_conversion_types_1="<P>The available conversion types are:</P><UL><LI>BMP</LI><LI>CGM</LI><LI>CLP</LI><LI>CUR</LI><LI>Cut</LI><LI>DCM</LI><LI>DRW</LI><LI>DXF</LI><LI>EPS</LI><LI>EXF</LI><LI>FPX</LI><LI>GIF</LI><LI>ICO</LI><LI>IFF</LI><LI>JBG</LI><LI>JPG</LI><LI>PCT</LI><LI>PCX</LI><LI>PNG</LI><LI>PSD</LI><LI>RAS</LI><LI>SGI</LI><LI>TGA</LI><LI>TIF</LI><LI>WMF</LI><LI>WPG</LI><LI>XPM</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_dither_types_1="<P>The following are the available dither types:</P><UL><LI>floydstucki</LI><LI>burkes</LI><LI>sierra</LI><LI>stevenson</LI><LI>jarvis</LI><LI>clustered</LI><LI>ordered</LI><LI>none</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_palette_1="<P>The Palette choices are:</P><UL><LI>Fixed</LI><LI>Optimized</LI><LI>Windows identity</LI><LI>Netscape fixed</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_options_1="<P>The available options are:<UL><LI>Thinned</LI><LI>Linkedbw</LI><LI>Linkedgray</LI><LI>Linkedcolor</LI><LI>Approx</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_direction_1="<P>The available direction choices are:<UL><LI>North</LI><LI>North-east</LI><LI>East</LI><LI>South-east</LI><LI>South</LI><LI>South-west</LI><LI>West</LI><LI> North-west</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_filter_types_1="<P>The available filter types are:</P><UL><LI>Gradient</LI><LI>Laplacian</LI><LI>Sobel</LI><LI>Prewitt</LI><LI>Shiftdiff</LI><LI>Line segment</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_filter_value_1="<P>The available filter values examples are:</P><UL><LI>Gradient: {N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW}</LI><LI>Laplacian: {1,2,3,diag,horz,vert}</LI><LI>Sobel: {horz,vert}</LI><LI>Prewitt: {horz,vert}</LI><LI>Shiftdiff: {diag,horz,vert}</LI><LI>Line segment: {horz,vert,ltor,rtol}</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_command_rotation_angle_1="<P>The rotation angle choices are:</P><UL><LI>90</LI><LI>180</LI><LI>270</LI><LI>Random</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_processing_general_1="<P> <B>General</B></P><P>Allows you to set general options for converting files.</P><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>JPEG Output Quality</LI><LI>Output Folder</LI><LI>Automatically use this path</LI><LI>Include subfolder when adding paths</LI><LI>Don't preview options changes</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_processing_conversion_1=" <P> <B>Conversion</B></P><P>Allows you to set options for converting files.</P><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Color Depth: 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit</LI><LI>Use Source Image's Path for conversion output</LI><LI>Delete source files after conversion</LI><LI>Multi-page file behavior</LI><LI>Output file containing source list as pages if multi-page destination selected</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_processing_processing_1="<P><B> Processing</B></P><P>Allows you to set options for processing files.</P><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Existing File Replacement</LI><LI> Prompt to replace existing files</LI><LI> Append existing files with _____</LI><LI> Auto-overwrite existing files</LI><LI>Apply Processing to Source File(s)</LI><LI>Log operations</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_equalize_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Equalize</p><p>Modifies the red, green, blue, and alpha channels of a video. </p><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Red Added Component</LI><LI>Green Added Component </LI><LI>Blue Added Component</LI><LI>Red Multiplier</LI><LI>Green Multiplier</LI><LI>Blue Multiplier</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_auto_level_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Auto-Level</p><p>Corrects the tonal range and color balance of an image by adjusting intensity levels of the image's shadows, midtones, and highlights. For example, if the image is too dark, Auto-Level makes the colors lighter and more saturated. Auto-Level adjusts intensities in each channel separately to produce the overall effect. These minor color shifts often enhance the sense of reality and vividness of an image. </p><p>This effect often can produce better contrast than the Contrast effect. Auto-Level produces good results when an image with an average distribution of pixel values needs a simple contrast adjustment or when an image has an overall color cast. Because Auto-Level adjusts each color channel individually, it can occasionally remove or introduce color casts.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_sinusize_1="<p CLASS='heading'>Sinusize</p><p>Adds a ripple effect to a picture by applying horizontal and vertical sines. You can adjust the amplitude, wave length, and initial phase of the sines. You can also specify the background color of the sinusized image. </P><p><B>Options </B> </p><UL><LI>Horizontal Amplitude</LI><LI>Horizontal Wave Length </LI><LI>Horizontal Start Phase</LI><LI>Vertical Amplitude</LI><LI>Vertical Wave Length</LI><LI>Vertical Start Phase </LI><LI>Color</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_style_1="<p>The style choices are as follows:</P><UL><LI>0 (rectangle)</LI><LI>1 (rim)</LI><LI>2 (round)</LI><LI>3 (double round)</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_anti_alias_filters_1="<p>The Anti-Alias filter options are as follows:</p><UL><LI>0 - Anti-alias the bitmap vertically and horizontally</LI><LI>1 - Anti-alias the bitmap in all directions.</LI><LI>2 - Anti-alias the bitmap in all directions. The filter used for this option is different from the filter used for the previous option.</LI><LI>3 - Anti-alias the bitmap diagonally.</LI><LI>4 - Anti-alias the bitmap horizontally.</LI><LI>5 - Anti-alias the bitmap vertically.</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_perspective_type_1="<p>The Perspective type options are as follows:</p><UL><LI>0 Top to bottom</LI><LI>1 Bottom to top</LI><LI>2 Left to right</LI><LI>3 Right to left</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_watermark_effect_type_1="<p>The options are as follows:</p><UL><LI>0 - Liquid</LI><LI>1 - Layer</LI><LI>2 - Shading</LI><LI>3 - Ghost</LI><LI>4 - InverseGhost</LI><LI>5 - Stamp</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_watermark_shadow_direction_1="<p>The options are as follows:</p><UL><LI>0 - TopLeft</LI><LI>1 - Top</LI><LI>2 - TopRight</LI><LI>3 - Right</LI><LI>4 - BottomRight</LI><LI>5 - Bottom; 6 - BottomLeft</LI><LI>7 - Left</LI></UL>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_trim_2="<p CLASS='heading'>Trim</p><p>Crops a portion of all the frames in the video file. The Trim button affects the entire video. After you have opened a video file in the Video Editor window, click the Trim button and, in the window that appears, select the region that you wish to remain. When you are sure that you have selected the region that you want, click OK. Each frame in the video is trimmed.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_seek_next_2="<p><b>Seek Next</b></p> <p>Plays the next file in the playlist.</p>";
var GLOSS_BLAZE_seek_prev_2="<p><b>Seek Previous</b></p> <p>Goes to the previous file in the playlist.</p>";